
Showing posts from May, 2021

Jojo Rabbit

Jojo Rabbit follows 10 year old Jojo, a kid who lives in Nazi Germany, raised under the ideals of the Nazis. Jojo's imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler, who inspires a large majority of his decisions. When Jojo is at a Nazi training camp, in a moment of passion, he accidentally blows himself up with a grenade. He's brought to the hospital and returns home with many stitches and a limp in his walk. One day when home during his recovery, Jojo hears a noise upstairs and goes to investigate, finding Elsa, a young Jewish girl his mother had been hiding. Elsa threatens to take his family down with her if he turns her in, and Jojo isn't willing to take that risk. The plot of the film follows Jojo's journey of discovering the humanity and the reality of the Jewish people. He begins to realize that they are people just as much as he is. Despite being a satire about World War II, the film is more than this, and brings you on the same journey that Jojo faces, and shows the humanity ...